



What Does Beyond: Two Souls Developer Think of Gaming?

What Does Beyond: Two Souls Developer Think of Gaming?

While any fan would likely argue that video games are a more valuable form of entertainment than movies or literature, one industry insider suggests it could be THE most influential artistic innovation our history has ever seen!

David Cage is head of Quantic Dream (who brought you games like Beyond: Two Souls and many others hits). Cage is also outspoken in his love for our industry. In a recent interview, he touts the level of importance that gaming has afforded us, not just as a method to kill time, but as an art form as well. “By far, video games are the most fascinating medium that mankind has ever created. They have the power to make you think in ways that films and books have not achieved.” he says glowingly.

While Cage is no doubt in love with his work, he’s not so close to it that he can’t admit its shortcomings. When it comes to the level of storytelling in games (compared to that seen in movies for example), he suggests there is a lot of room for improvement. In Cage’s opinion, he states we have “…nothing in games that gets anywhere near to a good film in terms of narrative or characterization. Games focus on simple themes and target a teenage audience. They could become meaningful.”

But will it ever be possible to scale the “games are not art” wall and crush this debate for good? Tune in Monday as I highlight just how much further video games can take us (both visually and narratively) where other content cannot.

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