



What Would Molydeux? Kicks Off Today

What Would Molydeux? Kicks Off Today


It seemed like a lark: a game jam based on the always off-the-wall, but occasionally extremely compelling, ideas posted by Peter Molyneux parody Peter Molydeux on his once-banned Twitter feed? With concepts such as a player character that gets anxious if you pound buttons too fast and NPCs that won’t load or save your game if you mistreat them, there’s actually a lot of meat there for developers to explore.

That lark received the blessing of Molydeux. Soon, it had expanded into an international event, which now covers both coasts of the United States as well as countries as diverse as Sweden, Australia, and Israel. Further, the London event will see Peter Molyneux himself in attendance, scouting the game jam for talent to help fill out the roster of his new start-up, 22 Cans.

And it all starts today. What Would Molydeux? goes live at 7PM EDT tonight and runs straight through Sunday, April 1.

By Shelby Reiches

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