



Why Some Destiny Fans Will Never Play Together

Why Some Destiny Fans Will Never Play Together

Destiny looks to set the multiplayer world on fire, as many see it as the spiritual successor to Bungie’s first ground breaking series Halo . However, there is still one line even it won’t cross!

For years, gamers have wondered if studios will find a way to pull down the generational walls and allow people on multiple platforms to play together ( IE : 360 with ‘One users…PS4 with PC users…etc). In a recent interview, Bungie Engineer Roger Wolfson explains why technical issues simply will not allow for it with today’s hardware. “I’ll speak for the hypothetical player. I have a disadvantage sniping across the map because my opponent with a next-gen console is only two pixels on my screen and I’m four pixels on his. You see that in the world of PC gaming, where people are always racing to the best video card to give themselves the advantage.” He says.

The upcoming beta once again shines a light on the Xbox One’s struggles, with people noting the Xbox version will again not hit full HD. However, Wolfson does assure this will be corrected in the final build. For them, it all comes back to creating an even playing field. “Regardless of where the reality is, there’s definitely a perception among gamers that better hardware means you have an advantage. We don’t want to have to enter that fray, so to create the best, most level playing field, both actually and perceptually, we separated it by platform.” says Wolfson.

Destiny comes to Xbox 360, One and the PlayStation 3 and 4 on September 9 th .

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