



Wiimote Go Boom

Wiimote Go Boom


The Wii Remote is one of the more dangerous accessories in the world of video games. From day one, it’s had a wrist strap, intended to secure it to your arm and prevent it from aerating your television set or knocking out your friend’s teeth. When the stock straps proved insufficient for the wild flailing of an increasingly strong player base (the downside to forcing gamers to exercise, apparently), Nintendo released bolstered wrist straps. The complaints faded.

From day one, though, there’s been a note in the manual for the device, a warning, explaining that one should never, under any circumstances, switch out the standard alkaline batteries a Wii Remote requires with lithium ion substitutes. The Fuson family in Belleville, Michigan did not heed this warning. They arrived home to a smoke-filled living room, their daughters’ Disney Princess table decimated by the remains of what had once been a Wii Remote, now plastic shrapnel and wasted circuit board.

Missy Fuson, the mother, accepts responsibility for the situation, but asserts that the warning in the manual should be clearer, explaining the reason that one should not use lithium batters so that users are not tempted. Not all it bad, though: Nintendo has offered to replace the defective device at a discounted price.

By Shelby Reiches

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