



Will New Season of Walking Dead Be the Best Yet?

Will New Season of Walking Dead Be the Best Yet?

While I have been quite vocal about my dissatisfaction with the most recent season finale of Walking Dead in the past , the upcoming season premiere is bound to make up for it. That is…according to the series creator.

In a recent interview, Robert Kirman stated that season five will kick off with a bang and only continue its upward momentum (and fast). “…coolest thing about coming back to season 5 is that we really hit the ground running. What I mean by that is that we very quickly deal with the situation that we left them in — this trapped, victim situation where they’re kind of at the mercy of the people of Terminus. We really kind of expand the story from there very rapidly, so I think this is going to be a pretty fast-paced season with quite a bit going on. News is already out that Seth Gilliam has been added, and we’re bringing in new characters like we always do, and I think season 5 is going to be our best season yet. I think when people finally see the premiere; they’ll see what I’m talking about.” Kirman touts.

Speaking of Seth Gilliam, is this the actor who’s been chosen to portray the character of Father Gabriel as many assume? Kirman won’t confirm for sure, but does state he’s “… playing a character that’s very integral to the future of The Walking Dead . Who he is is possibly a very large hint to where the story is gonna go, if you’ve read the comic book series. So, we are playing that as close to the vest as the spy photos will allow, but all will be revealed very soon.”

The Walking Dead ’s fifth season returns to AMC this fall.

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