



You’ll Soon Be Able to Buy the Ouya in Targets Across the Country

You’ll Soon Be Able to Buy the Ouya in Targets Across the Country

The Ouya plans to firmly plant its flag in the next-gen console war and is expected to be available across the country at Target outlets very soon.

When speaking to Polygon, CEO Julie Uhrman expresses just how exciting it is to see the Ouya enjoy retail success after its admittedly bumpy start. “What is the most exciting is how we’ve been embraced by retail. When we launched in June we were live in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. We launched with GameStop, Target, Best Buy and GAME. This month we are going full chain with Target,” Uhrman said.

Yesterday, we reported on the initial struggles with the new console . Despite the rocky launch, Uhrman touts the accomplishment of the Ouya console and the huge hill the team had to climb in bringing it to market. “For a company that is less than 35 people that went from an idea to a full product in less than nine months and four months after launch is nearing 500 games with 25,000 developers, I think our successes far outweigh our misses. And yet that’s what people want to talk about, but that’s also what we want to focus on because that’s what makes us better as we listen, iterate and use it to make the product better,” she says.

The Ouya is a microconsole with a price tag of only $99. Expect demo kiosks in select retail stores early 2014.

Source: Polygon

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