



All PS3s to Sport Backwards Compatibility?

All PS3s to Sport Backwards Compatibility?


If you purchased a PS3 that is not backwards compatible, then you are missing the EmotionEngine chipset that allows you to play PS2 games on the next-gen console. As we all know, Sony has been having a difficult go in terms of sales this time around and was forced to make cuts with superfluous bits of the PS3.

Thankfully, it appears Sony Computer Entertainment has filed a patent in the U.S. that may bring back backwards compatibility; not through hardware but through software coding. According to the patent application, as picked up on by Siliconera, Sony “has the code and technology ready to do this.”

Rather than “interpreting” code, the Sony tech will decode and recompile code into the host language. In essence, this would allow for backwards compatibility of PS2 games on the PS3 via a simple, cost-effective firmware update.

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