



Amazon Sets Kindle Ablaze With Gaming

Amazon Sets Kindle Ablaze With Gaming


Among Amazon’s newly unveiled line of updated Kindles, we have the Kindle Fire, a color device seemingly engineered specifically to compete with the Barnes & Noble Nook Color. Priced at $199 with a 7-inch screen and dual core CPU, as well as 8 gigabytes of memory, the Kindle Fire weighs 14.6 ounces and doesn’t do 3G, but does do apps and games.

Yes, you can now play Angry Birds on yet another mobile device. Not yet available, Amazon’s Kindle Fire can be pre-ordered on their website and will ship November 15, in time for the holiday rush. At its price, it’s a bargain as a tablet, capable of web browsing and streaming video. Check your e-mail, listen to music, and open documents in formats such as DOC and PDF. It even lets you read books! How cool is that?

By Shelby Reiches

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