



Amazon Stops Selling XBLA Games

Amazon Stops Selling XBLA Games


You can buy just about everything on Amazon these days, even codes for downloadable games. In fact, you can buy downloadable games for every current system except the DSi, wait, and now the Xbox 360. That’s right, apparently Amazon will no longer be selling XBLA games on their website (via VG247).

A notice posted on Amazon reads “We are no longer selling Xbox LIVE arcade game codes on Amazon.com. You can continue to purchase Xbox LIVE points on Amazon.com and those points can be redeemed through your Xbox 360 console to purchase any of the games that were previously available.” While this may not affect many people, it essentially eliminates the only possible way for Xbox 360 owners to buy an XBLA game for its actual price, rather than having to buy twenty or fifty dollars worth of points and having some left over. It seems as though Amazon will continue to sell PSN and WiiWare titles, making this announcement seem that much stranger.

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