If you’re a Batman fan who also owns one of Apple’s many iDevices, you’ll be giggling like a school girl by the time you’re done reading this post. Warner Bros. Interactive has announced that Batman: Arkham City Lockdown has hit the App Store and is currently available for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. The title was developed by Chicago-based NetherRealm Studios, and if you picked up a copy of the most recent Mortal Kombat release, you’re familiar with their work. For $5.99, you will find yourself in Batman’s shoes tossing baterangs at—and punching the faces of—several familiar bat-villains. Obviously, familiar faces like The Joker, Two-Face, and Solomon Grundy will be among the enemies, but Lockdown also boasts a iOS-only villain: Deathstroke.
Probably the coolest part of Arkham City Lockdown is the option to take advantage of Apple’s AirPlay service. This allows players to stream all of their bat-beatings to their HDTV—provided that they own an Apple TV. Wait, did we just watch the Apple TV become a gaming console? I think we did. By Josh Engen |
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