



Developers Retrofitting Games for iPad; Is this Game Console the Real Deal?

Developers Retrofitting Games for iPad; Is this Game Console the Real Deal?


Today our inbox was filled with developer and publisher press releases letting us know they were either A) retrofitting their App Store games to be optimized for iPad, or B) in the process of developing a host of games for iPad.

Some retouched highlights include Duke Nukem 3D, Metal Gear Solid Touch, and Plants vs. Zombies HD, while 2K announced that Civilization Revolution is coming to the App Store and Telltale Games is bringing Sam & Max. Personally, I was most excited by the news from Chillingo that they are releasing The Sword of Fargoal for iPad – an ancient dungeon-crawler I used to play religiously on my brother’s Commodore 64.

With the evolution of the Apple touch platform, expect $4.99 price tags to be the new standard (instead of $.99) for most games, as developers try to set a new, higher-priced entry point (the race-to-the-bottom by indie devs for a share of the iPhone market may not repeat itself). In fact, far more engaging titles are on the horizon – ones gamers might actually need to play – which will command far larger sums of consumer cash. As such, we’re kind of thinking the iPad is Apple’s gaming platform.

Moreover, it’s been rumored this morning that Apple is developing a portable gamepad for more conventional-style gameplay control options. In fact, IntoMobile (via G4TV) supposedly got its hands on a patent application that outlines the device. From the crude drawings, it looks like the D-pad and buttons will be part of an attachment that frames your iPad or iPhone.

Expect to see complete reviews of these top titles here at CheatCC in the future.

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