



Battlefield 3 360’s Optional Face-Lift

Battlefield 3 360’s Optional Face-Lift


The excitement over DICE and EA’s Battlefield 3 is practically palpable in comments, both admiring and inflammatory, of players in the game’s public beta test. Now, gamers who intend to purchase the title on the Xbox 360, who may have been worried about the announcement that the game would be expanded across two discs, have something extra to entice them.

In an interview with GamerZine, producer Patrick Liu revealed that the Xbox 360 version would contain an optional install of a high resolution texture pack, contained on the game’s second disc. This data would stream from the hard drive, decreasing its impact on performance, while boosting the visual quality of the game to its console-bound pinnacle. That it’s optional means that those who don’t wish to devote so much space to the game on their hard drives, or those who are still stuck with a jam-packed 20 GB model, can still play without being at a disadvantage with regard to performance.

By Shelby Reiches

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