



Blizzard Talks Overwatch D.Va and McCree Adjustments

Blizzard Talks Overwatch D.Va and McCree Adjustments

If you love Overwatch’ s D.Va and McCree just the way they are, you better get in some quality time with the characters over the next few days. Blizzard is going to be rebalancing both of them. Their moves will remain the same, but the effectiveness and details will be altered and adjusted. Jeff Kaplan, the game’s director, talked with Eurogamer to explain what’s going to happen.

D.Va is going to be buffed. She’ll be stronger than before. Kaplan says that they aren’t 100% sure on what will change, but they want to make sure she deals and takes the amount of damage you’d expect from a tank character. He also says they don’t consider her alterations as critical, so they won’t arrive as quickly.

McCree, on the other hand, is going to be fixed first and made a little less fearsome. Kaplan said Blizzard feels “fan the hammer,” an element of the Peacekeeper ability that lets him unload an entire cylinder’s worth of bullets at an opponent, is too strong. The developer won’t alter it too much, but will reduce the damage a bit so he isn’t magically able to take down tanks with the attack.

It sounds like the D.Va and McCree alterations won’t be too drastic. They’ll be relatively minor tweaks, made due to feedback seen now that over seven million people are playing the game. It’s good to see the company so on top of things!

Source: Eurogamer

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