



Overwatch Triple Tank Support Is the Latest Hot Strategy

Overwatch Triple Tank Support Is the Latest Hot Strategy

A new strategy is taking over Overwatch . It isn’t exactly an exploit, but it might make the game a little easier to play. That is, if you’re good at using Ana and one of the four tanks. People are putting teams together that have three tanks and three supports, and then use this conglomeration to mow the enemies down.

Here’s how the Overwatch triple tank support strategy works. You need at least one Ana on the team. She will constantly be using her Biotic Rifle and occasionally Biotic Grenade attacks on the tanks, using her Nano Boost ultimate ability as often as possible to boost her allies’ damage output, defense, and speed. The other three characters will be tanks like Reinhardt, D.Va, Zarya, Roadhog, and Winston. The other two supports can be characters like Mercy or Lucio. NiP, a team of professional gamers, made the strategy popular, so now you can see many people using it.

This has led to people calling for Ana’s Nano Boost to be rebalanced, as well as tank characters like Reinhardt to be adjusted. While the Overwatch triple tank support doesn’t guarantee success, it’s doing so well for folks that they may have a point when they request Blizzard make some sort of change. Test it out with some friends while you can!

Source: Kotaku

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