



Capcom Confirms Mega Man Legends 3’s Death

Capcom Confirms Mega Man Legends 3’s Death


When word came out that Mega Man Legends 3 was canceled, die-hard Mega Man fans everywhere came together to ask Capcom to give it a second chance. They created a Facebook page as a petition for the continued development of MML3. Capcom has noticed this page and has said that, unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do. Brian Keltner, Capcom spokesman, recently told Kotaku, “While Capcom has a built a strong relationship with its community and values their feedback, Mega Man Legends 3 development has officially ceased without plans to resume development.”

The goal of the Facebook page was to show that 100,000 people wanted Mega Man Legends 3 to come out. At the time of this writing, the page has about 38,000 likes. It appears as if Capcom’s comments were meant to softly let the fans down rather than letting them get their hopes up. Capcom community liason Greg Moor recently said, “We were all in it together here, for better or worse, and now together we must accept the outcome that many games ultimately face.”

So long Mega Man Legends 3. We hardly knew ye.

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