



Classic SOCOM Servers Shutting Down

Classic SOCOM Servers Shutting Down


SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs is one a peculiar game that actually managed to outlive the company that made it. The game launched in 2002 and the online servers for the game are still up and running. Believe it or not, there is still traffic on these servers. People with PS2s and online adapters are still playing SOCOM to this day, even after the original SOCOM studio, Zipper Interactive, went out of business.

Unfortunately, this won’t be the case for much longer. Recently, it was announced that all PS2 SOCOM games (this includes SOCOM 1-3, as well as SOCOM Combined Assault) will be going dark at the end of August. The same holds true for the PSP library of SOCOM titles as well. Of course, any future SOCOM titles will be made by companies other than Zipper Interactive, which will support their online services at their own discretion, but for now all the SOCOM titles of the past are going dark.

While the traffic on these servers was not very high, thus affecting very few people with the servers’ closure, we can’t help but feel bad for people whose game of chose is finally closing after ten long years. That’s dedication.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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