



Cross-game Voice Chat Coming to PS3?

Cross-game Voice Chat Coming to PS3?


The eagle-eyed crew over at Kotaku reported on a PlayStation forum post that seems to point to the imminent inclusion of cross-game voice chat in the next firmware update.

According to Kotaku, “Naughty Dog Dev” ReklissAbandon wrote in response to player requests for enemy spectating in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves that PlayStation 3 cross-game chat might make that request unfair.”

“But I will suggest it anyway,” ReklissAbandon wrote. “Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate [enemies’] positions.”

Naturally, the unintentionally revealing post was quickly deleted by Sony, only adding fuel to the speculation.

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