



Destiny: The Taken King’s Sparrow League Gets Microtransactions Too

Destiny: The Taken King’s Sparrow League Gets Microtransactions Too

Over the weekend, we learned Destiny: The Taken King would offer up a Sparrow Racing League for its players in December. Now, we’ve learned that Bungie is also ready to take people’s money to slightly enhance the experience. Microtransactions will be available for the event, for those who want to be special.

Eververse Trading will have four different kinds of Sparrow Racing League-related items to choose from. Someone can get a Record Book that will provide additional rewards, ToolKits that add horns to Sparrows, ToolKits that offer more Sparrows to choose from, and emotes. Fortunately, all of the paid options are vanity items, so it isn’t like paying real money will give you an edge in the event.

Bungie also went over some of the things people will get to do when they report for Sparrow League Racing in the Tower. First, you have to take a License quest. Once you do, you can take on specific Quests and Bounties, which help improve your reputation, earn a new Sparrow, and get better post-game drops. You can get Helmet and Class items, some with up to 320 Light or for infusing and others with racing perks to help aid performance. These drops come after each race, so make sure you get out there and enjoy yourself.

Destiny: The Taken King ‘s Sparrow Racing League is open for business today. The races end on December 29, so make sure you have plenty of fun before then. Also, keep that end date in mind, should you consider splurging on any of the paid content.

Source: Bungie

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