People at the 2015 PlayStation Experience got to do something Destiny players have never had the joy of doing before. They were able to, for the first time, race Sparrows, Destiny ‘s zippy space-age answer to motorbikes. But don’t be too jealous. It turns out Sparrow Racing will be available for all Destiny: The Taken King players to enjoy for a limited time.
Destiny: The Taken King will feature a Sparrow Racing League for three weeks. People will be able to take part in six person races after talking to Amanda Holliday in the tower. It’ll act as a competition and quest. Also, new flair will be added to Eververse Trading for the races.
Here’s a trailer showing the Sparrow Racing League in Destiny: The Taken King .
You’ll be able to race Sparrows in Destiny: The Taken King from December 8-29. The race ends on the final day, so pace yourself and do your best!
Source: PlayStation Blog