



Diablo III Drops PvP To Make Launch

Diablo III Drops PvP To Make Launch


Diablo III’s release date is still unknown, yet apparently it’s quickly approaching. Unfortunately, development on Diablo III’s PvP is lagging behind and Blizzard feels that it is not living up to the studio’s standards. As a result, they have recently announced that they will be removing PvP functionality from the game in order to make the game’s projected launch date.

Blizzard is well known for releasing their games “when they are done.” So it is actually coming as quite a surprise that they are dropping a feature of the game rather than simply delaying the entire release. Blizzard commented on this, saying, “We ultimately felt that delaying the whole game purely for PvP would just be punishing to everyone who’s waiting to enjoy the campaign and core solo/co-op content, all of which is just about complete.”

They aren’t dropping PVP entirely. The functionality will be patched into the game at a currently unknown later date. This will include multiple arena maps, PvP achievements, PvP exclusive skills and progression, and a fully integrated matchmaking system via Battle.net.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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