Well, it looks like Deus Ex is going to be the next video game franchise to get the big screen treatment. CBS Films recently announced that Scott Derrickson, known for his work on Sinister and The Exorcism of Emily Rose, has been selected to sit in the director’s seat. Derrickson will also pen the screenplay with C. Robert Cargill, who also worked on Sinister. Roy Lee and Adrian Askarieh are attached to produce and John P. Middleton will serve as Executive Producer.
As you can tell, Derrickson is most well-known for his horror and thriller work, and while Deus Ex doesn’t exactly fit the horror mold, it does have its fair share of suspense. It will be interesting to see how Derrickson adapts the source material. At the very least, he seems excited about the project: “Deus Ex is a phenomenal cyberpunk game with soul and intelligence,” said Derrickson. “By combining amazing action and tension with big, philosophical ideas, Deus Ex is smart, ballsy, and will make one hell of a movie. Cargill and I can’t wait to bring it to the big screen.”
Specific details about the plot haven’t yet been mentioned. However, CBS Films did say that Deus Ex: Human Revolution will “serve as the primary template for the film.” It’s likely that we will see Adam Jensen returning as the protagonist once more, but considering how linear Human Revolution was, the finer details of the plot will all need to be worked out by Derrickson.
Source: CBS Films