The just beginning Dragon Ball Super has gotten a lot of people talking and thinking about the series again. Perhaps that’s part of the reason why we’re now seeing Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle from Bandai Namco on iTunes and Google Play .
I kid. It’s probably because Bandai Namco has been much more open to the idea of localizing more niche games. Still, Dragon Ball Super probably helps Dragon Ball: Dokkan Battle quite a bit.
Dragon Ball: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play game where people create their own teams filled with iconic characters from the series. They then go around a game board, trying to explore the world. If you run into an enemy, a puzzle-like battle begins with your party of characters.
Just be careful with those in-app purchases! Dragon Ball: Dokkan Battle ‘s start at $0.99, but can go as high as $44.99.