



DUST 514 Has You Paying At The Door

DUST 514 Has You Paying At The Door


DUST 514 is an ambitious project. Developer CCP is not only linking it into their space-faring MMO, EVE Online, thematically, but also physically. It will be played on the same server that houses the main EVE game. Now, it appears that players will not actually be paying for the title per se, but instead putting in a $10-$20 cover charge to get a foot in the door. So how is this not considered “paying for the game?” That cover charge is reimbursed to players with the equivalent amount of game credits.

Said CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, “You’re really getting the game for free but you have to pre-buy credits in the beginning. We might go fully free-to-play down the line, but in the beginning we have a cover charge just to manage the initial launch of it.”

On the heels of the EVE Online microtransaction controversy, Pétursson was also quick to assure players that items for sale in exchange for real currency would not be along the lines of those in other shooters, which can unbalance the game. Their commitment to balance, and the long-standing EVE economy, is foremost.

DUST 514 will be available in the summer of 2012 exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

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