



DUST 514 Will Be Free To Play

DUST 514 Will Be Free To Play


The new PS3 MMO/FPS DUST 514, which shares a persistent world with EVE Online, will be free to play when it launches.

Originally, the price—which would have been ten to twenty bucks on PSN—was going to be converted directly into Aurum credits, in-game credits that you could use to buy upgrades. Essentially, it was like the game was purchased for free, but there was an entry fee required in order to get your starting equipment. However, Brandon Laurino, executive producer on the project, explained to Eurogamer that this was just too complicated for random Joe Gamer. “It was a relatively confusing proposition,” he said, “and we want to make it unambiguous that this is a free-to-play game.

“It’s very important as we take steps into this topic to unambiguously state that it is not a pay to win game,” Laurino continued. “There is no micro-transaction that you can do that gives you an unfair advantage over someone who hasn’t paid anything. It’s the classic micro-transaction dynamic of, ‘I can pay and get this item,’ or, ‘I can invest my time and get this item.’ But neither of those options will give me an unfair advantage over the other.”

DUST 514 uses a dual economy system. AUR credits can only be bought with real money while ISK credits need to be earned through gameplay. Different items will have a dedicated ISK or AUR cost. This effectively separates buyable items into a “play-to-buy” category and a “real-money purchase” category. ISK items tend to give you an in-game benefit while AUR items tend to be vanity items like costume pieces.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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