The first game in the anime-influenced rhythm series to make it over to western shores, Sega’s upcoming Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F , is currently slated for release on the PlayStation 3 as both a retail title and a digital download in August.
Japan, though, also received a Vita version of the title, which has not been announced for overseas release. Despite that, eagle-eyed fans noted that the PS Vita was listed as one of the game’s platforms in its official ESRB listing. That listing has since been altered to reflect the PS3-exclusive nature of the title.
But was this really a slip-up or a hint at something more? With the Vita still starved for new releases, and the game itself already slated for a western release, does it really make sense to hold off on bringing it out on one of its potential platforms, at least as a digital release where there’s almost no immediate overhead?
Sega would be smart to give the game as much exposure as possible, especially if Jenni is right about its quality.
Source: Siliconera