



Expect To See The PlayStation 4 By E3

Expect To See The PlayStation 4 By E3

With all the talk over yesterday’s big reveal of the PlayStation 4’s hardware, one surprising detail rose above the din: where was the console itself? Sony detailed its internal hardware, showed off its camera and controller, even demonstrated its capabilities, but where was the physical box we’d have sitting in our homes at the end of the year?

According to Ben Kuchera, of the Penny Arcade Report, we’ll be seeing it by E3. He tweeted that he’d been “told” he’d be able to “touch” the PlayStation 4 by E3. Given that the new console will be out by the end of the year, one would hope that would be the case, but it’s possible Sony is holding off on it for a big reveal at their pre-show press conference.

Regardless, one can only hope that Sony has learned from their initial mistakes with the PlayStation 3’s design, and that the PlayStation 4 isn’t another oversized, loud behemoth.

Source: Twitter

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