



Fans Successfully Edit Mass Effect Novel

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Fans Successfully Edit Mass Effect Novel


Recently, William C. Dietz penned a novel called Mass Effect: Deception. And, if you’re a Mass Effect fan, you probably realized that Dietz’s version of the ME universe didn’t exactly jibe with the mythology of the existing titles. Well, some fans had a major problem with the novel’s errors, so they created a catalog of the problems and published it on Google Docs. As more people became aware of the document’s existence, the catalog continued to expand.

Well, apparently BioWare has become aware of these issues and will now release a newly edited version of Dietz’s novel will all of the errors corrected.

“The teams at Del Rey and BioWare would like to extend our sincerest apologies to the Mass Effect fans for any errors and oversights made in the recent novel Mass Effect: Deception,” said a BioWare rep. “We are currently working on a number of changes that will appear in future editions of the novel.” The publisher added, “We would like to thank all Mass Effect fans for their passion and dedication to this ever-growing world, and assure them that we are listening and taking this matter very seriously.”

I wonder if BioWare is planning to cite the entire Mass Effect fan base as an editor.

By Josh Engen

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