Mass Effect may be on the shelf for now, thanks to poor reception and sales for Andromeda , but that universe is far from dead. That is, assuming you don’t mind reading a book or three.
BioWare has announced Mass Effect: Annihilation , a new novel exploring a side story in the Mass Effect: Andromeda “universe,” one that was not explored in the game. The novel follows the experience of the Keelah Si’yah, the Quarian-helmed ark charged with the task of bringing drell, elcor, batarian, and quarrian colonists to Andromeda.
BioWare’s official synopsis tells us that after a number of drell are discovered dead in their cryo pods, a deadly pathogen is found on board the Keelah Si’yah. The pathogen spreads across the various species on board, and signs of sabotage to the ship’s systems start to appear as well.
Mass Effect: Annihilation is written by Catherynne M. Valente. It is the third in a planned series of three books set in the Mass Effect: Andromeda universe, preceded by Mass Effect Andromeda: Nexus Uprising (available now) and Mass Effect: Initiation (November 28). It is currently set to release on June 26, 2018.
Source: BioWare