



FarCry 4 Trailer Shows Off Game’s Locations

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FarCry 4 Trailer Shows Off Game’s Locations

qww12As revealed during this year’s Gamescome on Tuesday, August 12, FarCry 4 developer Ubisoft has revealed a new trailer for its upcoming addition to the franchise, which shows of the the various locations you’ll see whilst playing FarCry 4 .

In this brief trailer, a narrator introduces and talks you through the different locales you’ll be experienc ing when playing the game, give brief descriptions as to what you’ll find in them and how you’ll be able to survive in, and how you’ll be able to use the environment to your advantage.

In a recent interview, FarCry 4’s creative director Alex Hutchinson reassured everyone that the game will be “ packed to the gills with woman. ” What’s more is that said female characters will fill many prominent roles in FarCry 4 , including alongside the game’s antagonists.

According to some information that was accidentally leaked on the game’s now-removed pre-order page on Ubisoft’s Uplay client, FarCry 4’s plot will be taking place in the country of Kryat, where Ajay Ghale (you) travels in order to fulfill their mother’s dying wish.

Your journey apparently won’t be that simple, as you’ll soon find yourself caught up in a civil war (again), so you have to overthrow an oppressive regime (again) brought on by the dictator Pagan Min (the guy in the fancy-ass–yet fabulous–attire).

FarCry 4 is slated to release on Tuesday, November 18 in North America and Europe for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

We’ll bring you more news on FarCry 4 and this year’s Gamescom should further information reach our ears. You can watch the game’s locations trailer via the embedded video below.

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