



Free for a Limited Time

Free for a Limited Time


Sometimes, free is the only price that makes sense. Such is the case with the two items that have just been made available for a limited time at the appropriate cost of zero dollars. For PS3 and PSP owners, Sony has decided to give out a free rental of Godzilla 2000 on PSN because of Comic-Con. While I was unable to find an ending date for this offer, it’s a safe bet that if you’re interested in taking advantage of this deal, you should probably do so quickly.

However, for Xbox 360 owners, Destination Arcade has just become available as a free download. This content browser, that allows users to better sort and browse the vast amount of available XBLA titles, will only be available for download until August 18th. While the reason why Microsoft would remove an app that helps potential purchasers find games more easily is beyond me, anyone who downloads it before the 18th will be able to continue using it henceforth. Now get downloading.

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