



Gearbox Confirms New Project

Gearbox Confirms New Project


Gearbox Software, best known for its work on the Brother’s in Arms series and its current pet project Borderlands, has confirmed the existence of War Hero. After registering the title of the game for trademark protection, which enterprising internet surfers uncovered, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford confirmed the news today to IGN.

Randy Pitchford:

Yesterday, someone clever noticed that Gearbox Software had registered some new trademarks and I promised I would comment about that today.

The news of the Gearbox Software “War Hero” related trademarks exposes a bit about our interests in the development of another original intellectual property.

As people following gaming news know, Gearbox is really motivated right now to take some bold risks and do exciting new things that no one has ever seen before, such as Borderlands.

War Hero is something down the road for us – it’s not signed with a publishing partner yet as we haven’t even talked to any potential partners about it. So we’re certainly not ready to talk about it publicly at the moment.

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