Goat Simulator is one of the most successful games in history. Yes… Goat Simulator . Coffee Stain Studios has said that they managed to recoup their development costs on the game in a mere ten minutes after its release. That’s outstanding. Almost one million copies of the popular goat game have been sold. At ten bucks a pop, that’s almost ten million dollars. Note that Coffee Stain Studios other games, such as A Story About My Uncle have not seen anywhere near as much success.
Goat Simulator started as a joke, and in a way always was a joke. But there are so few comedy games out there that it sold like hotcakes. The studio has just announced that they will be bringing the game to iOS and Android.
Goat Simulator also gave rise to a wave of other simulator style games, including Bear Simulator, Rock Simulator, Games Journalism Simulator, and more.
Source: Gamespot
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