



Grand Theft Auto V Bound for Next-Gen According to Analyst Predictions

Grand Theft Auto V Bound for Next-Gen According to Analyst Predictions

It’s amazing how a billion dollars can change people’s minds. That’s the amount that Grand Theft Auto V is expected to earn during its first 30 days on the market. Now, we’ve heard time and time again that this is a current-gen release. We were lead to believe that all hopes of roaming the streets of Los Santos on our next-gen systems were moot. Well…not according to some.

Analyst Colin Sebastian stated that he expects a port to the next-gen consoles of both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. What leads him to this conclusion? In his words it would “”help extend the value of the franchise.” Now, I have some words for that too, and it’s called “milking it.” It makes sense, with the such huge numbers, Rockstar would do anything it can in order to capitalize on this huge tsunami of cash washing up into its parking lot.      If we are destined to see a next-gen console release of Grand Theft Auto V, then it begs the question: “What have you done for me lately?” It’s hard to see getting a huge boost in the graphics department as we saw with some older titles like GTA III and Vice City when they were re-released. I can only imagine that the appeal will be in packing in some goodies such as additional content or some type of expansion to entice gamers during its second go around.

Source: Gamespot

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