After several months of being in Closed Beta, and after a few months in Open Beta, Blizzard Entertainment has officially launched Hearthstone . Blizzard gives its thanks to all those who took part in both the Closed and Open Betas for their feedback and support.
With its launch, Hearthstone’s latest update fixes a lot of bugs, adds some Ranked Play rewards and balanced a couple of cards among other things. The cards that were balanced are Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle, and the addition Ranked Play rewards include Golden Hero portraits, that sparkle and animate like the Golden variants of the cards.
What’s more, for each season you pass in Ranked Play, you’ll receive alternative card backs, which will allow to swap the default artwork of the card to something different if you so desire. Furthermore, at the beginning of each season of Ranked Play, you will receive bonus stars based on your performance in the previous season. For example, a player who achieves Rank 1 or Rank 2 in any season will start at Rank 16 instead of Rank 25, the lowest rank, in the next season.
Lastly, Tinkmaster Overspark has now been changed to a 3/3, upped from a 2/2, and has also had its Battlecry changed too, and Nat Pagle will now allow you to have a 50 percent chance of drawing an extra card at the beginning of your turn. Read here for more details.
The full patch notes of Hearthstone’s latest update can be found on Hearthstones official website here . In celebration of Hearthstone’s release, Blizzard has released Hearthstone Facebook cover photos and Twitter icons, which can be found here .
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.