



Hirai Taking Over As Sony President

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Hirai Taking Over As Sony President


Kazuo “Kaz” Hirai became infamous as Sony’s “Ridge Racer” guy for his enthusiastic drawl of the game’s name while touting it at E3 way back during the PlayStation 3’s initial reveal. His story begins long before that, though, as Hirai has been active in promoting the PlayStation brand since its inception. Now, word from Nikkei has it that the man will be stepping up in April to take over as its president, replacing current president Howard Stringer.

Stringer will remain on as the company’s CEO and chairman, but Kaz Hirai, who has been the deputy president, will be taking that third title away from him. It’s important to understand that these reports have, as of yet, not been confirmed by Sony themselves, but the shift seems like a natural step for Hirai from his deputy president position, with Stringer having previously referred to him as “the leading candidate” for his post.

By Shelby Reiches

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