



HoloLens Won’t be a Gaming First Device

HoloLens Won’t be a Gaming First Device

Microsoft’s HoloLens is a wearable device with its own onboard computing that promises augmented reality to its users. In the tech shows that the device has cropped up in, Microsoft hasn’t hesitated to show the potential gaming applications for the HoloLens. Despite this, Microsoft’s community manager, “Major Nelson,” claims that HoloLens will not prioritize gaming.

Eventually, he claims, the device will have some games for it. He goes on to say that the games he’s played on it have been fun but right now the development team is just focusing on the hardwares launch, ensuring that it hits all the right notes.
Even looking at the device in a cursory way, it’s hard to see the HoloLens really being able to support all that much gaming. If anything, it’s more likely to function in a manner akin to the phone; practicality first, with some fun apps on the side.
Source: Geekwire
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