



Idol Minds No Longer Working On Warrior’s Lair

Idol Minds No Longer Working On Warrior’s Lair


Do you remember Warrior’s Lair, the action RPG that was set to be one of the first big PS Vita titles? Well, we haven’t heard much about this game lately, and it appears that’s because the game is undergoing some development problems.

Sony has recently confirmed that Idol Minds will no longer be developing the game. Instead, the game has been moved to their in-house San Diego studio. Sony has not yet provided a reason for this developer change, and as of now we have no idea how this will affect the development cycle of the game.

Warrior’s Lair (called Ruin at the time) was touted at last year’s E3 to be one of the first big RPG titles to make use of the Vita/PS3 crossplay features. When we spoke with Jeff Litchford of Idol Minds last summer , he had high hopes for a launch right alongside that of the Vita. Obviously, that didn’t end up happening, and, as it stands, the Vita has been out for almost two months with still no concrete launch date for Warrior’s Lair.

Sony has assured us that the game is not canceled, but its future looks shaky indeed. We will bring you more information about Warrior’s Lair as it becomes available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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