



Is Dawnguard Coming Ever To PC Or PS3?

Is Dawnguard Coming Ever To PC Or PS3?


Skyrim’s first expansion, Dawnguard, was originally planned as a 30-day exclusive for the Xbox 360. However, it’s been 30 days since the expansion was released and we still haven’t heard any word from Bethesda on a PC or PS3 version. Now, it’s looking like we may have to wait a little bit longer.

According to a recent Twitter post by Pete Hines, vice president of Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda has not officially announced Dawnguard for any other platform. They have also not officially given a timeline for news pertaining to the expansions release on other platforms. “If we have any news, I promise I’d tell you” Hines said.

Hopefully we will hear updates about potential PS3 and PC versions soon. Until then, we will just have to accept that the Xbox 360 version of Dawnguard is the only official Dawnguard release on the market right now.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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