



League of Legends Developer’s Twitter Gets Hacked, Reveals League of Legends Card Game

League of Legends Developer’s Twitter Gets Hacked, Reveals League of Legends Card Game

League of Legends developer Riot Games’ president and co-founder, Mark Merril, recently had his twitter account hacked. Supposedly, the hacker was able to access pictures of a completed but as-of-yet unreleased League of Legends card game. The first tweet the hacker made using Merril’s account read, “Well, I think this would be a good time to show off Riot’s card game, who wants to see pictures? 50 re-tweets for pictures. –Jason (God)”

This bit of hacker bragging was followed by a screenshot for League of Legends: Supremacy , a title which Riot filed the trademark for about a year ago. The hacker went on to reveal card templates, icons, and more. He claimed to have the source and the client and threatened to reveal all card images if Marc Merrill did not specifically Email him not to.

Shortly thereafter, the hacker said he has decided to give Marc back his twitter account. The tweets were deleted, and Merrill did confirm that someone had hijacked his feed. He said the images shown were old and experimental in nature and did not indicate any new game that was set to come out. He also said that Riot Games is always experimenting with new properties, but this experimentation may never see the light of day.

What do you think? Legitimate leak? Old obsolete experimental game? Or just a huge publicity stunt by Riot Games? Let us know In the comments.

Source: Kotaku

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