



Nintendo Of Korea Is Entangled In Twitter Controversy

Nintendo Of Korea Is Entangled In Twitter Controversy

Hasn’t Microsoft’s Adam Orth taught us that we need to watch what we say on Twitter? Apparently, Nintendo of Korea hasn’t been paying attention. Someone using the Nintendo of Korea Twitter account commented on a photo of Eun Ji Park, a Korean celebrity, saying “She should have just stayed as a TV Meteorologist. Getting all the work done on her face like that. How come a brainless [explative] like you gets the entire spotlight? Who is your sponsor? TV…sigh…”

For the record, the word sponsor in this context is making allusions to exchanging sexual favors for fame, money, or power.

Nintendo of Korea has said that none of their employees made such a comment, and that it was likely the act of a hacker who hijacked their account. Nintendo has contacted South Korea’s cyber crime division asking for further investigation on the matter. Some have also been speculated that whoever is in charge of Nintendo’s Korean Twitter account accidentally got their personal account mixed up with their professional one.

That tweet is certainly embarrassing for one of the most powerful gaming companies in the world. The immaturity of the internet apparently knows no international borders.

Source: Kotaku

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