



LucasArts Hiring For New FPS Title

LucasArts Hiring For New FPS Title


LucasArts has recently posted new job openings for a Senior Core Engineer and Senior Animator for an unnamed FPS title. Both these job openings hint that the game might actually be seen on “future generation consoles.” Other than that, there isn’t a whole lot of info about the new game.

These job openings are significant for two reasons. First, this means that LucasArts is creating an FPS of some sort, and it may not necessarily be in the Star Wars universe. This alone is enough reason to get hyped about what plans they may have in the works. More specifically, however, the mention of future generation consoles is particularly interesting. If we assume that the game has a development cycle of two or three years, then we can assume that the next Sony and Microsoft boxes will be here by 2014/15, well after the Wii U comes out. It’s an interesting prediction for the future of our market which was supported by the lack of any new consoles showing up at E3.

We will bring you more information about this new LucasArts project as it becomes available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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