One of the better bits of Mass Effect: Andromeda , despite all its issues, is its very open and pliable skill systems. Players can mix and match skills that were previously stuck behind class barriers, often resulting in very distinct, but gated, character builds. Things are much more open now, but players noticed one skill in particular listed as “unknown.” Prepare for minor spoilers!
Turns out the skill is tied to a sidequest involving Peebee, Mass Effect: Andromeda ’s resident Asari. When Peebee first joins the team, she tells Ryder to bring her any Remnant parts they find along the way. She’ll also shoot Ryder an email about it. This quest line leads to a planet called Voeld and a brief battle against some Remnant bots.
Bring the part they drop back to Peebee and she’ll get to work. Go back to the Nexus and meet her there, and she’ll introduce you to Poc, a robotic buddy. This unlocks the final skill, “Remnant VI,” which brings Poc along for the ride as a sort of bonus companion. This skill can be upgraded like any other and make a pretty significant difference in combat. Pretty cool, as far as side quest rewards are considered.
Source: Destructoid