Medieval 2: Total War All factions
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “descr_strat” file in the “medieval ii total wardataworldmapscampaignimperial_campaign” directory. Locate the “unlockable” heading and copy its contents over the current contents under the “playable” setting.
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Family member names, settlement names, and other proper names must be capitalized correctly.
Result | Cheat Code |
Get indicated amount of gold | add_money [number] |
Give city more population | add_population [settlement name] [number] |
Give any trait your faction can have to a specific general [Note] | give_trait [character] [trait] [level number] |
Give ancillary to specific general | give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number] |
Anything in city’s building queue built automatically | process_cq [settlement name] |
Toggles fog of war | toggle_fow |
Press Auto Retaliate button to automatically win; enter code at the battle scroll | auto_win [attacker|defender] |
Create unit | create_unit ” [settlement or character] ” ” [unit ID] ” ” [amount from 1-5] ” ” [experience from 1-9] ” ” [armor from 1-3] ” ” [weapon from 1-3] ” |
Elephant Artillery to selected city or unit | rogan |
Elephant Rocketeer to selected city or unit | vindaloo |
Elephants to selected city or unit | madras |
Mercenary Monster Bombard to selected city or unit | istanbul |
Mercenary Monster Ribault to selected city or unit | george |
Mercenary Rocket Launcher to selected city or unit | houston |
Reset stuck character | character_reset |
Show current coordinates | show_cursorstat |
Move object | move_character [settler or unit name] [x coord] [y coord] |
Note: The code does seem to work for characters with a second name. However, you can select the character on the campaign map, then type for example, give_trait this “GoodCommander” 5 or whatever desired trait. This also works for the ” give_ancillary ” code.
Use the following values with the ” give_trait [character] [trait] [level number]” code. Note: Some of these can be accompanied with a “level number”, usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- AcademyTrained
- AdoredByPope
- AgentPiety
- Anger
- Arse
- AssassinsGuildMember
- AssassinsGuildTrained
- Austere
- Authoritarian
- BadAmbusher
- BadArtilleryCommander
- BadAttacker
- BadDenouncer
- BadDiplomacy
- BadGunpowderCommander
- BadMerchant
- BadPrincess
- BadRiskyDefender
- BadSiegeDefender
- BadTaxman
- BattleChivalry
- BattleDread
- BigotWoman
- Bishop
- Bloodthirsty
- Brave
- BraveDiplomat
- BraveWoman
- CaptorChivalry
- CaptorDread
- Cardinal
- Cheapskate
- ChivalryLegacy
- ColdWoman
- ContentGeneral
- Corrupt
- Corrupted
- Coward
- CrusaderHistory
- Cuckold
- Cultured
- Cursed
- Deranged
- DesperateWoman
- Despoiler
- Disciplinarian
- DiscontentGeneral
- DivineProtection
- Divorced
- Dogmatic
- Doomsayer
- DreadLegacy
- DykeWoman
- EasternWarlord
- EducatedWoman
- Energetic
- ExRebel
- Exheir
- ExoticTastes
- ExpensiveTastes
- FactionKiller
- Factionheir
- Factionleader
- FairProsecutor
- FairWoman
- FaithfulWoman
- FamousPirate
- FathersLegacy
- Fearscatholic
- Fearsheretic
- Fearsislam
- Fearsorthodox
- Fearspagan
- Fearsslave
- Fearstimurids
- Fearsturks
- Fearsvenice
- Feck
- Fertile
- FertileWoman
- ForcedReligious
- Genocide
- Girls
- GloriousFool
- GoodAdministrator
- GoodAmbusher
- GoodAssassin
- GoodArtilleryCommander
- GoodAttacker
- GoodCommander
- GoodDefender
- GoodDenouncer
- GoodDiplomacy
- GoodGunpowderCommander
- GoodMerchant
- GoodMiner
- GoodPrincess
- GoodRiskyAttacker
- GoodRiskyDefender
- GoodSiegeAttacker
- GoodSpy
- GoodTaxman
- Gregarious
- GrowingConviction
- Haemophobic
- HaleAndHearty
- Handsome
- HarshWoman
- HasAdultress
- HashashinsGuildMember
- Hatescatholic
- Hatesheretic
- Hatesislam
- Hatesorthodox
- Hatespagan
- Hatesslave
- Hatesturks
- Hatesvenice
- HighPersonalSecurity
- HorseRacer
- HumbleWoman
- Hypochondriac
- IAmPope
- IAmPrincess
- IndecisiveAttacker
- Infertile
- InfertileWoman
- InquisitorFailure
- Insane
- InspiringSpeaker
- Intelligent
- Introvert
- JaguarWarlord
- JihadHistory
- LaxPersonalSecurity
- LegalDealer
- Lewd
- Loyal
- LoyaltyStarter
- MarriedAPrincess
- MerchantEnemies
- MerchantsGuildMember
- MerchantsGuildTrained
- Missionary
- Monopolist
- Multilingual
- NaturalAssassinSkill
- NaturalDiplomatSkill
- NaturalHereticSkill
- NaturalInquisitorSkill
- NaturalMerchantSkill
- NaturalMilitarySkill
- NaturalPriestSkill
- NaturalPrincess
- NaturalSpySkill
- NaturalWitchSkill
- NightBattleCapable
- Noctophobia
- Objective
- OpenMinded
- PassionateWoman
- Peaceful
- Perverted
- PopesEnforcer
- Pragmatic
- PretentiousWoman
- PrettyWoman
- PriestLevel
- Prim
- PublicAtheism
- Purifier
- RansomChivalry
- RansomDread
- ReligionStarter
- ReligiousActivity
- ReligiousInactivity
- ReligiousIntolerance
- ReligiousMerchant
- ReligiousTolerance
- RhetoricSkill
- Righteous
- Sane
- SecretlyFemale
- SecureMerchant
- SecurityMerchant
- Senile
- ServesSelfMerchant
- ShadyDealer
- Skill
- Slothful
- Sobriety
- SpiritedWoman
- StrategyChivalry
- StrategyDread
- StrickenSerious
- StrickenSilly
- StrongFaith
- Subjective
- Superstitious
- TheologiansGuildMember
- TheologiansGuildTrained
- ThievesGuildMember
- ThievesGuildTrained
- TimidWoman
- TolerantWoman
- TooOldToFight
- TouchedByTheGods
- TourneyKnight
- UglyWoman
- UnchasteWoman
- UnfairProsecutor
- Unwrath
- VapidWoman
- WaningConviction
- Warmonger
- WaveringFaith
- WifeIsBarren
- WifeIsBitch
- WifeIsCharming
- WifeIsFertile
- WifeIsHorrid
- WifeIsNoble
- WifeIsWise
- Woman
- WorldlyMerchant
- Wrath
- Xenophilia
Use the following values with the ” give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number]” code. Note: Some of these can be accompanied with a “level number”, usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- academic_advisor
- accomplice
- adultress
- architect
- chastity_belt
- diplomatic_escort
- explosives
- femme_fatale
- fine_cosmetics
- herald
- mercenary_captain
- secret_love
- witch_hunter
- zealous_disciple
- amerigo_vespucci
- marco_polo
- martin_luther
- jan_zizka
- raphael
- niels_ebbesen
- arnold_von_winkelried
- geoffrey_chaucer
- john_wycliffe
- bertrand_du_guesclin
- aldus_manutius
- michaelangelo
- hair_from_mohammeds_beard
- doctor
- tutor
- bard
- catamite
- apothecary
- drillmaster
- quartermaster
- biographer
- mentor
- taticius
- brilliant_inventor
- foodtaster
- librarian
- magician
- mathematician
- poisoner
- shieldbearer
- bodyguard
- monk
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.