



MGS Media Event 2008: Gears of War 2 Goodies

MGS Media Event 2008: Gears of War 2 Goodies


Details surrounding GoW 2 were fleshed out at the Microsoft Gamer’s Day event in San Francisco.  Of course, gamers will once again reprise the role as Delta Squad leader Marcus Fenix while dealing with the continued threat of the Locust Horde.  According to Epic, players will be able to, “explore multiple story arcs that introduce new characters and flesh out the histories of familiar ones.”

The sequel will have “new characters, more weapons, nastier enemies, bigger vehicles and grander locales.” Plus, the co-op campaign will more readily account for players of varying skill level. Players can not only drop in and out of the campaign, but they can set their own level of difficulty.

Finally, the press got a demonstration of a seriously “bad-ass” level that got many nay-sayers now champing at the bit! Epic Games Design Director, Cliff Bleszinski, took the press through “dramatic new gameplay elements and stunning visual effects in a campaign sequence from early in the game – where Marcus Fenix and COG forces engage in pulse-pounding firefights between two Derrick transports, fend off vicious Reaver fly-by attacks and rabid Brumaks – all in the same rollercoaster ride of a level.”

Yes, you read that correctly; Brumaks-plural! Gears of War 2 will be out for the 360 before the Holiday season this November.

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