The long-awaited sequel Mirror’s Edge 2 was confirmed by DICE at E3 to be in development—excruciatingly early in development, but in-progress nonetheless. With the niche title finally announced, the bigger remaining question was where the game would debut.
The extreme infancy of the project offered little more than “when it’s ready” as a release date, which puts its hypothetical launch well past the November 15 th North American release date of the PS4. The same can be said for the Xbox One’s currently unknown “holiday 2013” date, which suggests that Mirror’s Edge 2 would hit next-gen consoles around 2015. However, the platforms of the original game (PS3, Xbox 360, and PC) also warrant a current-gen release.
Publisher EA has now confirmed (via Polygon ) that the sequel will only be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, skipping current systems entirely. Patrick Soderlund, executive vice president of EA’s games label, commented on avoiding “old-gen” machines, saying, “We could maybe get it to work on one, but we would have to compromise on too many things,” and he claimed that by siding with the PS4 and Xbox One, “[they] didn’t have to.”
Source: Polygon