



More Final Fantasy XV Collector’s Editions On the Way

More Final Fantasy XV Collector’s Editions On the Way

Are you flush with cash, yet still missed out on ordering one of the 3000 limited edition Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector’s Editions that Square Enix made available after its big press conference in March? Never fear! Square Enix has just announced that it will be making additional Collector’s Editions available worldwide. We don’t know how many will be made or exactly when they’ll become available, so keep an eye on Square Enix’s Twitter account if you’re interested. There’s also a waiting list at the Square Enix Online Store , so you can cross your fingers and hope you’re e-mailed promptly when this additional stock is up for sale.

One warning, though: these new Collector’s Editions may not ship in time for the game’s September 30 launch. It looks like Square Enix has ordered additional stock thanks to the CE’s popularity, so it simply might not be produced in time. I’m guessing the hangup will be producing additional Noctis figurines, since it takes a while to get production runs spun up on that sort of thing.  Along with that figurine, these $270 Collector’s Editions will include the game (duh), a steelbook case, a hardcover art book, DVD versions of the Brotherhood anime and Kingsglaive movie, an exclusive soundtrack, and a bunch of digital goodies.

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