



New NieR Game on the Way

New NieR Game on the Way

The NieR/Drakengard series is a decidedly niche set of games for people with an extremely dark sense of humor and a penchant for mindf*cks. The fan base it has, however, is quite enthusiastic and loyal. That fanbase was blown away when today, at Square Enix’s E3 press conference, a second NieR game was announced.

This isn’t just any NieR game, however. It’s being developed by Platinum Games under the supervision of veteran Nier/Drakengard leadership with characters designed by a Final Fantasy veteran.  Yeah, this could be something unique, indeed. The involvement of Platinum is especially welcome because the series needs a bit more oomph in the combat system department.

There’s not much to go on besides what we see in the trailer below. The game is early enough in development that even its subtitle is secret. Square-Enix tells us that we’ll hear more about the new NieR this fall. My guess is it’ll happen around the Tokyo Game Show, but this is Square-Enix, so who can be sure?

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