



New PS4 Firmware 3.5 Features Leaked

New PS4 Firmware 3.5 Features Leaked

Twitter is like the ultimate grapevine for gamers nowadays, isn’t it? It seems like all of the best leaks start with a tweet. This time we have some new information regarding Sony’s latest firmware update for the PS4. Version 3.5 is currently being beta tested, and unlike most of you, when I signed up I actually read the terms and conditions. Sony doesn’t want anyone talking about anything – unless it’s on the officially designated firmware beta forum. Welp, seems like several of you didn’t care to read those terms, or else didn’t care to abide by them, and new firmware features have been leaked on Twitter.

It’s nothing very exciting. In fact, I was a little disappointed when I saw what else people had discovered about 3.5. Apparently now you’ll be able to see the PlayStation Network’s status right from your PS4, so no more Googling to see what the deal is when you can’t get online. Actually this next one will be useful: you’ll be able to send party invitations to communities. That will make getting a full squad or fireteam together for online games much easier. No more specific features were mentioned, just some miscellaneous options. Cool, I guess.

Source: Push Square

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