



Nintendo Attacks Piracy with Firmware Updates

Nintendo Attacks Piracy with Firmware Updates


With the huge PS3 jailbreak mess currently spiraling out of control and making numerous headlines, it seems as though Nintendo is quietly trying to shore up their own consoles’ piracy problems. While PS3 piracy is a newfound problem, the Wii and DS (specifically the DS) have been combating piracy issues since shortly after their respective launches. According to Gamasutra, Nintendo has recently released new firmware updates for both the Wii and the DSi in order to help put a stop to more of the common systems’ exploits.

The new DSi firmware, Ver. 1.4.1U apparently disables many of the commonly used DSi flash carts, although, the official line regarding its intended purpose is that it “provides behind-the-scenes improvements to system performance.” The Wii’s new firmware, 4.3U, continues what began with the 4.3 update, further helping to remove user modifications from the console “because unauthorized channels or firmware may impair game play or the Wii console,” according to Nintendo. While these updates are always optional, future software will likely require them in order to run.

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