



Nintendo Will Once Again Not Hold an E3 Press Conference

Nintendo Will Once Again Not Hold an E3 Press Conference

Nintendo has once again announced that they will not be holding a keynote at E3, much like Sony and Microsoft will. Instead, they will be following the same plan as last year, letting games journalists into E3 early on the first day in order to try Nintendo games early.

That’s not to say that they won’t be using the Nokia theater though. Instead of holding a press conference, Nintendo will be using the theater to hold the first ever Smash Bros. invitational tournament. The tournament, of course, will be run using the newest builds of Smash , likely the in progress Wii U build. However, full details on the tournament have not yet been revealed.

As for Nintendo’s announcements, they will once again be holding a “virtual” press conference via a Nintendo Direct. Here, they will announce all their new titles, as well as the demos that will be available on the E3 show floor. Anyone can tune in to see what Nintendo has to offer, so stay tuned for the livestream.

Source: Mega 64… yes really

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